hit counter
Lords Ladies Jester Villain Joker



Hand 'N Foot Rules of the Game 

Object: To play 22 cards in 2 stacks of 11 cards each; one called a "Hand" and one called a "Foot". To make at least 3 groups or more 7 cards each, playing the Hand first, then the Foot, before going out. Players with the highest score after 4 rounds wins. Playing time 1-3 Hours. Ages 10 to Adult.

Contents: Total cards 262; Cards 1-12 16 each (192), Lords (20), Lady (10), Villain (10), Jester (20), Joker (10)

Players : 2-6. Recommended 4 Players
Two and three players play individually. With four players , partners sit opposite each other at the table. With six players, (three on each team), partners sit alternately around the table. With 5 players, (2 teams of 2 each), the 5th players plays rounds 1 and 4 on one team - 2 and 3 on the opposite.

Card Descriptions

A Lady is used two ways:
1. As a discard, which blocks the following player from picking up the discard stack.
2. Can be added to a "Clean Group" for 100 bonus points.
    Also see GROUPS
Caution: If a Lady is in any players hand when the opponent goes out, 500 points AGAINST the player or team.

The Lord is the highest suit card, counting 20 points. This card plays exactly the same as the suit cards 1 through 12.

The Villain, like the Lady, blocks the player from picking up the discard stack.
1. The only way a Villain can be played is by discard, NEVER in a Group or Meld.
2. The Villain counts nothing (0).

"Wild Cards"
1. One Wild Card may be played with two suit cards to start a Group. A Group of only Wild Cards may be made also.
2. There are two Wild Cards of DIFFERENT count value.
The Joker counts 50 Points each. The Jester counts 25 points.
3. Wilds Cards are used as a defense card

1. The players attempt to pick exactly 22 cards from the shuffled deck.  If successful on the first try , add 100 points to the score.
2.If not, each player adjusts their cards to 22, putting 11 cards into TWO piles - one called "Hand" and the other called "Foot".
3. Players may look at the bottom card only on each pile and select the pile to be played first, which then becomes the "Hand". The remaining pile is the "Foot", which will be explained later.
4. Any excess drawn must be returned face-down on the unused deck. Turn one card face-up next to it to begin a DISCARD STACK. The TOP card must be a playable card.  


1. A draw of two cards from the deck and a play of one card  on the DISCARD pile.
The act of Discard ends that players turn.
2. Pick up the Entire discard stack IF the top card can be played on the board.
(Remember...the discard stack can never be picked up until a MELD  has been
been completed or topped by a Lady, Villain, Joker or Jester.
3. If a player has chosen to pick up the discard stack instead of drawing two cards,
he then proceeds to play the top card and any others he choses then discards.
* If discard stack is not frozen, it can be picked up with two  Natural Cards
(same sequence as the top card) or one card the same and one Wild Card.


Melds are a combinations of three or more cards of the same rank. All Melds must be laid face up from one partner, then both partners proceed to play on that Meld. After the Initial Meld, one or more cards, either of the same suit or Wild Cards, may be added.
* Jokers and Jesters are Wild Cards so may be used with any card group, but there should NEVER be more Wild Cards than Suit Cards (not to exceed 3 to a Group)

1. The first round of play requires an initial Meld of at least 50 points; a player may make one or more different Group Melds in the same turn to achieve the minimum count.
2. The face value of the cards is the only count used for the initial Meld. In the event a Group (7 cards, same suit) is among the Meld, do not count the base count value.
3. Play is open to ALL partners at their turn after any one of the team has an initial Meld.
4. The discard stack may be picked up at the time of Meld, but the TOP CARD
and ONLY the top card may be counted in the Meld.

1. A team must Meld 50 points, to get on the board.
2. Play continues building Groups of 7 cards each. Gaining as many points as possible, drawing two cards and discarding one card (Lady or Villain) if possible.
3. First round ends when one player can ask permission to Go Out.
( A player can Go Out only after completing a least 2 "Dirt Groups" and 
1 "Clean Group")
4. If permission is granted by their partner, the player may "Go Out" and points are then totaled.
5. If permission is NOT granted, play must continue until permission IS granted  and points are then totaled. 

1. A team must Meld 90 Points to get on the board.
2. Play continues as explained in the 1st Round.

1. A team must Meld 120 Points and 150 Points respectively.
2. Play continues as explained above.

1. Seven or more cards in a Group.
2. A Group must be started by an Initial Meld of three or more cards with the addition of other cards later.  "Sequences" or "Runs" are NOT VALID.
3. 7 "Natural Cards" (all the same) form a Clean Group, valued at 500 Points.
4. A Wild Card added to a Clean Group reduces it to a Dirty Group, valued
at 300 Points.
5. A Group comprised solely of Wild Cards counts 2000 Points.
6. Additional cards may be added to a Group , but will NOT increase the Base Value, only the Count.
7. Any completed Clean Group (including Wild Card Groups) may be capped 
by a Lady for 100 Extra Points.

Card Values





















When capped on a Clean Group

Dirty Group

Clean Group


A Wild Card must be placed SIDEWAYS​ on the Discard Stack. That FREEZES the stack, and it can only be picked up by a player holding a "Natural Pair" in their hand Matching the TOP discard. 

The Hand must be played before the Foot.  There are three ways of getting to the Foot:
1. Play ALL the cards from the Hand and discard, then pick up the Foot but do NOT  play again until your next turn.
2. Play cards except ONE after discard, then pick up the Foot. Do NOT play until your next turn.
3. Play ALL cards from the Hand onto the board which leaves NO discard, pick up the Foot and continue playing, then discard (from the Foot)
When a player determines they can go out, they must ask there partner., "May I go out?" The partner must answer Yes or No and the player is bound by the reply.
1. A player may Go Out only if his team has the minimum of two Dirty Groups and one Clean Group (excluding a Wild Card Group). Failing this requirement, they must keep at least ONE card in their hand.
2. A player Goes Out when they can play the LAST card of the Foot, either by discard or by playing on the board. Only the Top Card can be counted in the meld.
3. A player is NOT required to discard when Going Out.  If all the cards in the deck are drawn, each team must count the cards in their Hand and Foot for a MINUS score, but count all cards on the board as a Good or Plus cards.
4. Then the round is over.
Determine the net score for each Round as follows:
1. Total the Base Point Value of the Groups. This is your Base Score.

Exact 22 Card Draw      100 Points       Wild Card Group      2000 Points
(when applicable)

Clean Group                    500 Points       Going out                   100 Points

Dirty Group                      300 Points       Lady                            100 Points
                                                                      (when capped on Clean Group)

2. Total the value of the Un-Played cards (both teams, including the Foot)
for subtraction.
3. Total All the cards played on the board at face value.
4. Add: Total Base Score and Total Card Count.
5. Subtract: Unplayed Card Points